Unfinish Build 0.0.3 : Some More H Variants And A Return From An Old Project

A bit of a big update to the game

Finally can work on another project. (Ben132231)

Big Additions

- Added 4 new H variants

- Added OLD-100 and NEW-100 to the debug menu (OLD-100 is from the old project)

- Added 5 more rooms (3 of them being experimental rooms)

Small Additions

- Added ability to reset rooms by holding menu button

- Changed most of the entities kill hit box

- A-60 now has a cool looking static light

- Changed entities spawn time and spawn chance to be more balance when more entities get added (Hopefully I will)

- Secret wall has a random chance to show where it is. (Good luck getting this it's vary rare) (I made it a bit harder to read for good reason)

Bug Fixes

- Fixed A-154 not being able to kill the player while hiding in a locker (Reminder that A-154 is a locker checker)

Nerd Stuff

- Renamed "RoomGenManager" to "RoomGenInfo" and got rid of the "GorillaLocomotion." part and now "Player" is a bit easy to type and access the Player script


- A new sprite in the open source project Ready to be use in the future


Ben132231's VR Rooms Game (Unfinish Build 0.0.3).apk 77 MB
11 days ago

Get Ben132231's VR Rooms Game

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